Hello, and welcome to my new website and blog. Photojournalism has taken me down so many roads that I would never had expected. I am currently the staff photographer at the Manhattan Mercury. This job has taken me more than 700 miles away from Kettering, Ohio, where I grew up. I definitely dealt with some homesickness while here in Kansas.
I won't try to sell you on the idea that it is a big deal to move halfway across the country for a job, plenty of people do it everyday. This distance was never more obvious than last month when my dad passed away. My father had been in poor health for years, but me and others were in denial as to how bad the situation was.
David Glen Lunsford, 63, passed on March 23, 2019. He worked as a plumber at the local auto parts plant. At one point, my father, mother, myself, and several other extended family members worked in the same factory. He enjoyed playing billiards and played in tournaments around the country. He loved nature and spent many of hours watching birds outside of the house. He enjoyed riding his Harley Davidson and traveling.
My father and I didn't always see eye to eye on things, but he took time with me to go to things I enjoyed. I have more than a few good and bad stories from the time he wrecked his SUV in Cleveland to the time we saw Metallica at Kentucky Speedway.
I have never been really good at showing my appreciation to those around me, but believe me I think of everyone who is in my life more than you know. I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for my dad and I hope that I make him proud and do right by everyone in my life.
I would be lying if I said that my mind is fine and I am handling everything well. I am keeping very busy with everything and I haven't had much time to not have to process something. I am looking forward to spreading my fathers ashes this summer and I hope I get to spend some time out in nature to recharge my brain.
But enough with all the doom and gloom, I would like to share some of my recent photos from here in Manhattan. Please feel free to share your thoughts with me via my contact page or on social media.
Sincerely, Matt Lunsford